JG interiorz

JG interiorz


About us page

About Us

JG Interiorz is an interior design studio since 2016. We have an excellent collection of all specialties for maticulous execution and perfect finishing. We’ve been feeding your design obsession with what’s cool and what’s next in interior design, architecture  and art. We’re also committed to using our platform to inspire new ideas, challenge the status quo and to inspire action to build inclusive communities.

Designer: Jalal Ghraizi

When 7-year-old Jalal made it his mission to redecorate his room, drew endless artistic abstracts and cartoon characters all over the room walls. He reached the ceiling design in which he innovate an old cave design out of glue, tissues and papers. He repeatedly paint and reconstruct building shapes out of cardboard. He was either obsessive or a young design enthusiast in the making. As he is a poetry and a professional camper, he got influenced in many of his projects to insure  imaginative presentation combinations that redefine the art of romantic nature. Before getting his Bachelor degree from AUST, his instructor asked him to join him to work from Lebanon for a company in Saudi Arabia, as an interior design draftsman. Two years gave him insight into all aspects of the design world, till he start as a freelancer, to build his own career. When he’s not working, he’s usually searching for new design techniques, modern furniture, biophilic design, noise absorption, thermal comfort and convertible designs. Nowadays he enjoys contributing to JGinteriorz.