JG interiorz

JG interiorz


Design Mistakes

15 Common Interior Design Mistakes

    When it comes to curating a beautiful home, there are a lot of little things that have to come together to create the perfect space. Things like achieving balance, having a cohesive theme, and ensuring your furniture is the right scale can make the difference between a room that you love and one that just doesn’t feel right.

Our simple guide to Interior Design mistakes can help you learn the ins-and-outs of designing a space. But sometimes, knowing what not to do can be just as helpful as knowing all the rules. We’re giving you a heads up on 15 of the most common interior design mistakes so you can spot them before they happen. If you already have some of these design faux pas in your home, read on for how to fix them so you too can have a fabulous home.

The 15 Common Interior Design Mistakes That Experts Always Spot

  1. Not Having a Plan
  2. Not Budgeting Properly
  3. Failing to Establish a Focal Point
  4. Thinking Everything Has to Match
  5. Having your Clutter on Display
  6. Holding onto Heirlooms (you don’t like)
  7. Using the Wrong Size Area Rug
  8. Having Only One Light Source
  9. Hanging Curtains Too Low
  10. Placing Furniture Right Against the Wall
  11. Choosing the Wrong Size FurnitureI
  12. Ignoring Traffic Flow
  13. Choosing Paint Colours Before Furniture and Fabrics
  14. Exposed Outlets and Cords
  15. Plain Walls and a Lack of Accessories